At Wicked Wood Games it is of course possible to exchange or return your order (provided the product you ordered does not fall under a legal exception). This can be done within 30 days of receiving your complete order. Preferably use the return form that you can download at the bottom of this page. We would appreciate it if you would also send an email to if you would like to exchange or return, so that we are already informed.

You can return the item to:

Wicked Wood Games
Sickle 34B
3274KJ Heinenoord

Right of withdrawal / reflection period

You have the right to cancel your order up to 30 days after receipt without giving any reason. After cancellation you have another 14 days to return your product. You will then be credited with the full order amount including shipping costs. Only the costs for returning from your home to Wicked Wood Games are at your own expense. These costs amount to approximately €6.00 ​​per package. To be sure, request this price from our customer service, we will create a label for you.
If you exercise your right of withdrawal, the product will be returned to the entrepreneur with all accessories supplied and - if reasonably possible - in the original condition and packaging. To exercise this right, please contact us at . We will then refund the order amount due within 14 days after registering your return, provided that the product has already been returned in good order.