We are of course happy to help business customers at Wicked Wood Games. Below are our business options. Email us at support@wickedwoodgames.com for more information.

Retail partner

Are you interested in becoming a retail partner of Wicked Wood Games? We offer retail partners special prices and conditions for all our products. Make Cornhole big in Europe with us!

Receive invoice

Naturally, we will prepare an invoice for your order for business customers. We also offer business customers a payment term of 30 days. Request a quote today!

Custom set for your company

A custom set with your company logo on it? No problem. We will send you a unique design within a day and you can receive the set within a week.

Custom Cornhole Set

Bigger numbers

We will of course offer a unique price for larger quantities. Send us an email with the request and we will send you a quote within one day.