These bags are expected to arrive in mid-May. They can already be ordered. They will be shipped to you as soon as they arrive.
Wicked Wood Games presents a new line of professional bags in collaboration with AllCornhole. This brand is one of the largest cornhole brands in America.
The bags are ACL Approved and have everything you need as a top player. In contrast to, for example, the "All-Slides", the "Slide-Rites" are a bit slower. These are not bags that shoot hard on a board. However, they are very consistent and therefore work well for players who naturally throw with a lot of speed. The suede side is very slow with the lowest possible speed rating. You can still develop speed on the other side.
Speed rating less fast side: 1
Speed rating fast side: 6
Looking for a different color or custom design, click here .
Length | 15cm |
Width | 15cm |
Material |
Smooth and stiff fabric |
Filling | Plastic granules |
Color bags set 1 | Multiple options possible |
Brand |
Wicked Wood & All Cornhole |
Weight | 440gr |
Article number (EAN) | 8720589134744 |