Wicked Wood Games is the official supplier of the extremely popular Ultra series. This brand is one of the largest cornhole brands in America.
These are the 2025 Widow X!
Perhaps the most complete bags on the market. The side with the stars is the slow side. Please note: It will take at least 10-20 games of play before they are fully trained.
The bags are ACL Approved ( ACL Pro ) and have everything you need as a top player. Easily maintain control with the stiff side and use the fast side for the push. The way to recognize that bags are ACL Approved is by the marking on the bags.
Speed rating stiff side: 4 (warm weather), 2 (cold weather)
Speed rating fast side: 6 (cold weather), 8 (warm weather)
Ultra's bags are unique, not many are made per batch. So with these bags you really have a unique set. Order them quickly and become a real Cornhole professional.
Looking for a different color or custom design, click here .
Learn more about the Ultra Cornhole brand here .