5 colors available
Cornhole Deutschland
Cornhole, das in Deutschland auch als Sackloch-Spiel iskannt, erreut sich aus gutem Grund großer Beliebtheit. Bei Wicked Wood Games buy the Ausrüstung, which is for Cornhole inheritance order. In Europe and special interests in Germany they are uncomplicated games such as leisure games and special interests such as family games and such activities. In the homeland of Wurfspiels, the USA, it is important to be prepared for your own gymnastics sport, for the proper festivities. Recreational sports enthusiasts enjoy daily new adventures. Variants that are popular Wurfspiels.
Cornhole – a whole game of art to enjoy
I would like to take a normal man's Cornhole if I play Brettspiel, but otherwise it is best not to come back to normal. Denn beim Cornhole spielen bleibt man nicht am Tisch sitzen. Man steht einen in eenem Abstand von etwa 8 Meter gegenüber und versucht Säckchen in das Loch im Brett auf de gegnerischen Seite zu werfen. Therefore, the game of Sackloch-Game was canceled. In the meantime, it is easy to enjoy the best with Boccia and other Wurf games.
A wonderful gift idea
The game is fun, so cornhole is a sporty exercise and fun game, and you can enjoy it yourself – with Jung or Alt, Large or Small! You can build your cornhole sets without any additional welding , so they can be delivered. This can be a great gift or a holiday gift. If you wish to purchase cornhole and gift it, you will be amazed by the unbeknownst and gifted customers!
Get hours of fun
Would you like to enjoy cornhole and buy it, who else lives in Germany ? In the Webshop of Wicked Wood Games you can order your Cornhole Set for music and enjoy the benefits of price-learning and customer experience. We love these cornhole sets in Germany and other European countries. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to know more about your request +316 13533189 for shipping. We will be able to buy more cornholes if we wish.